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Media Markt Schweiz AG

Media Markt Schweiz AG

18 reviews

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Glad to be out of there again....


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Former employeePermanent

05 April 2023

This works well in the company

Very little, you restructure the company regularly until you soon have restructured it to death, because the good people leave because they do not want to have to reapply for their own job every two years. Keeping or promoting these people is not tried, instead new people are hired too often, with diploma but without market and industry knowledge...

This could be improved

In the management, however, it is difficult if this also changes very, very regularly. I had three CEOs in three years, each of whom thought their ideas were the best, and after a long period of hard work to achieve the first results of their predecessors' ideas, the wheel was reinvented and they started from scratch again.

Translated from German

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Appreciative with opportunities for development


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Current employeePermanent

06 January 2023

This works well in the company

the company is currently modernizing and repositioning itself. this means that there is a lot of exciting potential that is being addressed. as a result, a lot can be moved and successes can be celebrated. this naturally boosts motivation.

This could be improved

the company is currently undergoing a lot of change and modernization. the working atmosphere and cooperation are very good, especially on the operational side, as there is a lot of fresh air here. the application process was standard and therefore good. i see potential for improvement in communication and automation of existing processes.

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13 August 2020

This works well in the company

A reasonably good coffee is offered for conversation.

This could be improved

Frivolous appearance in conversation, partly not really interested. In a second conversation you have to take a stupid test. Like in kindergarten. If you are a woman, it is better not to apply. You have to listen to stupid questions. The salary offer is bad. No thanks.

Translated from German

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Arrogant and incapable - German


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Current employeePermanent

06 August 2020

This works well in the company

Closing time Friday at 4 p.m. at the latest, everybody leaves. Everybody's so sloppy.

This could be improved

The management staff is a disaster. Have no respect or appreciation for their employees. Arrogant, to boot. HR is made up of incompetent employees. Comparing pay is bad. Since it's a German company, Swiss companies have a hard time. Let's go...

Translated from German

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Alles für alle, die nichts wollen.


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Former employeePermanent

10 February 2020

This works well in the company

Den bereits erwähnten Rabatt auf Batterien, Kabel und Waschmaschinen. Das Angebot von internen Sprachkursen.

This could be improved

Arbeitsatmosphäre Weil sich MediaMarkt Schweiz aktuell in einem herausfordernden wirtschaftlichen Umfeld befindet, werden Mitarbeitende über mehrere Monate hinweg aus fadenscheinigen Gründen entlassen, um ähnliche Stellen kostengünstiger zu ersetzen. Das schürt eine unsichere Arbeitsatmosphäre. Kommunikation Wenn ich als Angestellter aus der Zeitung erfahre, wie viele Kolleginnen und Kollegen entlassen werden und wie die Landesleitung plant, den Kurs des gebeutelten Unternehmens zu ändern, dann mache ich mir doch so meine Gedanken über die Kommunikationsphilosophie der Firma. Interne Kommunikation zählt nicht zu den Stärken von MediaMarkt. Kollegenzusammenhalt Neuen Mitarbeitern wird vermittelt, dass alles, was in der Vergangenheit erreicht wurde, schlecht ist, weshalb sich kein neues Teamgefühl entwickeln kann. Jeder kämpft gegen jeden, um sich seinen Arbeitsplatz zu sichern. Arbeitspsychologisch schwierig. Work-Life-Balance Grundsätzlich nimmt MediaMarkt Rücksicht auf die Bedürfnisse der Angestellten, was die Work-Life-Balance betrifft. Nicht alle Vorgesetzten scheinen Regelwerke, zum Beispiel Home-Office, gleich auszulegen. Teilweise fehlt die Vertrauensbasis Mitarbeitende von zu Hause aus arbeiten zu lassen. Vorgesetztenverhalten Viele Meetings haben es dem neuen Chef verunmöglicht, seine Mitarbeiter kennenzulernen. Zudem fehlte der Wille, die Kompetenzen der Mitarbeiter zu erfahren und zu fördern. Kündigungen werden in einem unwürdigen Rahmen ausgesprochen, da man sich für den einzelnen Menschen keine Zeit nimmt. Gehalt/Sozialleistungen Das Gehalt bei MediaMarkt entspricht dem «Geiz-ist-geil-Image» der Firma. Zusätzlich wurden über das letzte Jahr Feiertage (2. Januar) gestrichen und Zeitgutschriften (24. Dezember und 31. Dezember) drastisch eingekürzt. Die Beiträge an die Pensionskasse erfüllen die gesetzlichen Mindestanforderungen, aber immerhin gibt es saftige Rabatte auf Waschmaschinen, Kabel und Batterien.

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Better than reputation!


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Current employeePermanent

17 July 2019

This works well in the company

Can't understand the other ratings and can't confirm them. The opposite is true! I have now completed my probationary period and find the cooperation with other departments good. Of course, processes are revised and one or the other adaptability-resistant employee had to leave the company. This is probably the reason for the many negative (frustration) ratings. But it's going really well. The future is currently being redesigned. Being part of this process is super exciting and you can get involved!

This could be improved

In the last months there have been several changes. At the moment, however, peace seems to be returning - that's probably what it needed. Unfortunately there is not a parking place for all employees. But if you get to the office before 9.00 a.m., you will certainly have one of the free parking spaces. In addition, the company pays an "ecological bonus" to those employees who come by public transport. I think it's great!

Translated from German

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Anyone who likes dynamic employers will love MediaMarkt!


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Current employeePermanent

06 June 2019

This works well in the company

I can see a lot of improvements - I like the new HR, even if they are a bit strict. New employees bring a breath of fresh air.

This could be improved

Communication is not the same in every department. Don't be intimidated by the old-timers.

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Super friendly, good mood in the interview


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17 May 2019

This works well in the company

Very professional contact during the application process. Friendly, competent, quick. The company is very ambitious, very modern and has flat hierarchies. Everyone was very friendly and collegial. I was in a very good mood at the interview!

This could be improved

Unfortunately it didn't work out with the application. So I can't say any more about it. But I'll certainly reapply if there's a chance.

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Work-Life-Balance = Null


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Current employeePermanent

15 February 2019

This works well in the company

- Colleague cohesion within the team! - Parking possibility (no parking from 9am!) - open-plan office

This could be improved

- Don't make empty promises! - Don't forget that we (employees) also have family! - No work-life balance!!!!! - Wage deduction from the first day of illness - Working condition quite outdated, employment conditions not attractive on the contrary!!!

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Independent work that is fun!


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Current employeePermanent

22 January 2019

This works well in the company

Flat hierarchies, accessible management, many benefits.

This could be improved

There should be more corporate events connecting the departments. There's afterwork beer, that's great!

Translated from German

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Overall ratings

Based on 18 reviews
5 stars22%4 stars11%3 stars0%2 stars17%1 star50%
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