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Sixt rent-a-car AG/SA

Sixt rent-a-car AG/SA

Wir sind ein weltweit führender Mobilitätsdienstleister mit 7.500 Mitarbeitern, gegründet im Jahr 1912 mit Hauptsitz in Pullach bei München. Unsere Mobilitätsplattform ONE vereint unsere Produkte SIXT rent (Autovermietung), SIXT share (Carsharing), SIXT ride (Taxi-, Fahr- und Chauffeurservices) und gibt unseren Kunden Zugang zu unserer Flotte von 270.000 Fahrzeugen, den Services von 1.500 Kooperationspartnern und rund 1,5 Millionen Fahrern weltweit. Zusammen mit unseren Franchise-Partnern sind wir in mehr als 110 Ländern an über 2.100 Vermietstationen präsent. Bei SIXT stehen ein erstklassiges Kundenerlebnis sowie ein herausragender Kundenservice an erster Stelle. Wir setzen auf echtes Unternehmertum und langfristige Stabilität und richten unsere Unternehmensstrategie mit Weitsicht aus. Mit uns durchstarten und die Welt der Mobilität revolutionieren? Jetzt bewerben!

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Teilzeit arbeiten, wie Vollzeit verdienen bei SIXT in der Filiale
Geschätzt und gefördert werden bei SIXT in der Filiale

5 reviews

very good atmosphere to work


  • Job description
  • Application process
  • Personalized answer
  • Response time

16 January 2024

This works well in the company

Everyone there enjoys cars and the attitude of the people I've met is relaxed and really friendly, you can feel that you care about your colleagues.

This could be improved

What I've seen so far is fine, we will see if it feels so after some time in the company. People who work there over years seem happy!

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Very collaborative and inclusive environment!


  • Salary and benefits
  • Management style
  • Working atmosphere
  • Career opportunities
Current employeePermanent

01 September 2023

This works well in the company

SIXT offers a competitive salary and various incentives and rewards for outstanding performance. I always felt my hard work was consistently recognized and appreciated.

This could be improved

Development opportunities outside Switzerland or remotely with SIXT

Employer comment

05 September 2023

Thank you for your great feedback! As a current employee, you can also apply internationally at SIXT and openly express your wishes and possibilities.

Translated from German

If you don't rot, you're nothing - not recommendable

Current employee

11 October 2018

You're always under pressure. Selling is the main task. You don't sell, you don't make. The basic salary is much too low (you couldn't survive in Zurich with it). If you sell well, you have a good salary. This way you have to exclude the customers in order to get your commission. The social benefits are extremely bad! Poor communication from superiors. Coaches who don't know anything about car rental come by all the time to check in. Much is expected but nothing is returned. If you are only looking for money and not for a good employer, you are certainly in the right place. If you have other intentions, you should not work here, because the career opportunities = 0

Translated from German

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  • React promptly and professionally, without anger
  • Thank all reviewers, even for negative feedback, and show empathy
  • Offer help and solutions, taking responsibility for any issues
  • Share your perspective if you disagree

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Overall ratings

Based on 5 reviews
5 stars40%4 stars0%3 stars0%2 stars0%1 star60%
  • Management style
  • Salary and benefits
  • Career opportunities
  • Working atmosphere

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