The evaluation is for the Rothrist location, how it is in other TopCCs I can not judge.
The work itself is interesting and I like doing it. The working hours are also very practical.
However, the leadership is to be criticized.
The one who says "those under me are all my subjects" does not belong in the boss position. Unfortunately, no sensitivity, no gratitude, no appreciation and they are always looking for mistakes. To me, that's not leadership when you talk trash about other employees in front of them.
There have already been many who have lost their psyche and stopped coming to work.
Communication is only through department heads. Normal employees have nothing to say about it.
Unfortunately one is not supported for a further training. As an employee you have to work for the minimum wage.
Recently, one is also used everywhere without even being asked. One is hired in a department and not as an all-rounder.
Far too few employees hired.
As soon as it's holiday time or someone is sick it's stressful and you have to work for several people and only have half a day off a week.
In the past it was a shop for gastro customers only.
Today anyone can come in, which the restaurateurs are not happy about. Now there is more going on in the shop but no more employees are hired.