ORS stellt als international anerkannte Dienstleisterin die professionelle Betreuung geflüchteter Menschen von der Unterbringung bis zur Integration sicher. Seit mehr als 30 Jahren sind wir in der Schweiz im Auftrag von Bund, Kantonen und Gemeinden tätig. Darüber hinaus führen wir Flüchtlingseinrichtungen in Deutschland, Österreich und Italien. Mit rund 3'000 Mitarbeitenden aus den unterschiedlichen Berufsgruppen gehören wir zu den führenden privaten Anbieterinnen in Europa. Wir sind im Eigentum der weltweit tätigen Serco Group, die als Dienstleistungspartnerin von Regierungen und öffentlichen Verwaltungen angesehen wird. Ein berufliches Engagement bei ORS bietet interessante Betätigungsmöglichkeiten mit spannende Entwicklungsperspektiven.
Flexible working hours and a good working atmosphere
Salary and benefits
Management style
Working atmosphere
Career opportunities
Current employeePermanent
03 April 2024April 2024
This works well in the company
Employees enjoy working from home. Open and honest communication.
This could be improved
Very open and upbeat personalities in HR. Friendly and upbeat employees. Central location. Flexible working arrangements.
Translated from German
Comment this review
Unprofessional and dubious behavior
Job description
Application process
Personalized answer
Response time
15 December 2023December 2023
This works well in the company
Friendly and open interview
Extensive exchange.
This could be improved
Communication behavior after a job interview.
When it came to making an appointment for a trial day, I was ignored. There was no response to e-mail, phone or combox messages.
Translated from German
Comment this review
Details of the salary were not disclosed in advance
Job description
Application process
Personalized answer
Response time
27 November 2023November 2023
This works well in the company
I can't judge, as I was only invited for an interview and don't work there.
This could be improved
It is unfortunate that the salary was not discussed in advance. During the interview, the manager told me the salary and unfortunately it was well below my expectations. The interview was then quickly ended. In my opinion, it would have been helpful to inform the applicants in advance about the salary expectations before they are invited to the interview.