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Schweizerische Nationalbank

Schweizerische Nationalbank

Die Schweizerische Nationalbank (SNB) führt als unabhängige Zentralbank die Geld- und Währungspolitik der Schweiz. Der zentrale Auftrag der SNB lautet, Preisstabilität zu gewährleisten, damit das Geld seinen Wert behält und die Volkswirtschaft sich gut entwickeln kann. Dabei trägt sie der konjunkturellen Entwicklung Rechnung. Die SNB handelt damit im Gesamtinteresse unseres Landes. Gemeinsam setzen sich die Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter der SNB für die Erfüllung dieses einzigartigen Mandats ein. Damit tragen sie entscheidend zu optimalen Rahmenbedingungen für die Schweizer Wirtschaft und Bevölkerung bei. Insgesamt arbeiten rund 1000 Personen bei der SNB. Neben den beiden Sitzen in Bern und Zürich unterhält die SNB Vertretungen in der ganzen Schweiz, die über die regionale Wirtschaftsentwicklung Bericht erstatten. Zudem besitzt die SNB eine Niederlassung in Singapur, um ihre Aktivitäten in Asien und Ozeanien effizienter zu bewirtschaften. Sind Sie interessiert an den vielfältigen und spannenden Tätigkeitsfeldern bei uns? Mit unseren einzigartigen Tätigkeitsfeldern bieten wir optimale Entfaltungsmöglichkeiten für junge Talente sowie Professionals insbesondere aus der Ökonomie oder IT. Es erwartet Sie ein erstklassiges Arbeitsumfeld, das von Kollegialität und respektvollem Umgang geprägt ist. Unsere Arbeitsbedingungen sind modern und unterstützen die Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Privatleben. Dazu gehört die Möglichkeit, zeitlich flexibel und im Home-Office zu arbeiten. Wir streben aktiv danach, eine inklusive Kultur zu leben, in der jede Person wertgeschätzt sowie gehört wird. Banking in a different dimension

Key information

Die Schweizerische Nationalbank - was sie tut und wie sie handelt

7 reviews

Great team, bad leadership


  • Salary and benefits
  • Management style
  • Working atmosphere
  • Career opportunities
Former employeePermanent

23 October 2024

This works well in the company

There is usually a very good culture within the team due to the many years of service.

This could be improved

I see significant potential for improvement in the area of management and HR. There is no way to escalate any problems or get any form of support for labor law problems - SNB is very focused on not letting anything get out, so any problems that arise are swept under the carpet. The salary is supposed to be based on external factors, but there is no mapping to internal functions and activities should you develop in your own position and take on additional responsibilities, this cannot be easily transferred to your own salary as the salary is linked to the position and not to the person and their activities. Due to the rigid structures, further career opportunities are severely limited and the development of skills is complicated by the strict restrictions - there is no room for experimentation.

Translated from German

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Cannot be contacted


  • Job description
  • Application process
  • Personalized answer
  • Response time

23 April 2021

This works well in the company

Automatic confirmation that the documents have been received in the system.

This could be improved

I have applied for a role. After submitting the documents, I received an automatic email confirming receipt of the documents. After 2 weeks with no update, I tried to reach the contact person in the posting. Unfortunately, I was forwarded to a third party voicemail at first. I was later able to leave a message with the contact person. My request for feedback on the status of the application went unanswered. Finally, after about a month, I received a standard rejection. I realize that many applications were probably received. But if someone is listed as a contact in the ad, you should at least be able to reach them. I find it disrespectful not to respond to direct inquiries.

Translated from German

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Good working atmosphere and flexible working hours.


  • Salary and benefits
  • Management style
  • Working atmosphere
  • Career opportunities
Current employeePermanent

12 April 2019

This works well in the company

A great rider and a great team. I'm happy to work there.

This could be improved

People who are not satisfied there should change jobs.

Translated from German

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  • React promptly and professionally, without anger
  • Thank all reviewers, even for negative feedback, and show empathy
  • Offer help and solutions, taking responsibility for any issues
  • Share your perspective if you disagree

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Overall ratings

Based on 7 reviews
5 stars43%4 stars0%3 stars0%2 stars14%1 star43%
  • Management style
  • Salary and benefits
  • Career opportunities
  • Working atmosphere

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