2 days ago
80 – 100%
Unlimited employment
Hirslanden AG
21 February 2023February 2023
Nice coffee Retreat possibilities available in the open plan office Fitness room (was not relevant for me) Benefits (was not relevant for me)
On the outside, people don't think much of the HiCo, I'm afraid I have to confirm that. To name just a few examples, poor communication within the team and with other teams. Poor interaction within the team, supervisor is unfortunately also only moderately approachable. Technical questions can't be asked because he can't answer them. This was already communicated to me by a team colleague during the 2nd job interview and was then also confirmed. He knows the problems in the team and has been asked about them several times. Unfortunately, the poor leadership is massively reflected in the team. No good cooperation - poor quality work! No onboarding for new employees, no clear tasks on the part of the supervisor. Supervisor is anything but solution-oriented, in his leadership duties he has unfortunately failed completely in my eyes! Poor quality of work e.g. ticket system, tickets are unfortunately not settled promptly. In November there are still unresolved tickets from January (this was the oldest I had seen) etc. The process in HiCo is totally unstructured and uncoordinated! The company talks about a home office philosophy, which they claim to have, but then they disagree when it comes to implementation, but even there it depends on the supervisor. According to my supervisor, home office is a privilege. I, on the other hand, see it more as a modern work concept. This would then also correspond more to a philosophy. There is still plenty of room for improvement in terms of good quality work, professional communication and a modern work concept! There is still a lot of room for improvement! The fluctuation rate in the entire company is over 20%, this should slowly make you think! The competition in IT itself is huge. HiCo's IT can't even come close to keeping up! Unfortunately, I don't take much positive away from HiCo as an employee and can't recommend it to anyone.
Translated from German
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