2 weeks agoServicetechniker (m/w/d) - Region BernPlace of work:Grossraum Bern oder LuzernWorkload:100%Contract type:Unlimited employment agtatec ag / record Türautomation AG
3 weeks agoProduktionsmitarbeiter 100% (m/w)Place of work:FehraltorfWorkload:100%Contract type:Unlimited employment agtatec ag / record Türautomation AG
3 weeks agoServicetechniker (m/w/d) – Region Zürich WestPlace of work:FehraltorfWorkload:100%Contract type:Unlimited employment agtatec ag / record Türautomation AG
3 weeks agoMonteur für Türanlagen (m/w)Place of work:Zürcher Oberland / OstschweizWorkload:100%Contract type:Unlimited employment agtatec ag / record Türautomation AG
3 weeks agoTechnischen Verkaufs-/Kundenberater (m/w) im AussendienstPlace of work:Grossraum ZürichWorkload:100%Contract type:Unlimited employment agtatec ag / record Türautomation AG
4 weeks agoSachbearbeiter Serviceadministration 100% (m/w/d)Place of work:FehraltorfWorkload:100%Contract type:Unlimited employment agtatec ag / record Türautomation AG
Last monthHR Fachfrau | HR Fachmann 80-100% (m/w)Place of work:FehraltorfWorkload:80 – 100%Contract type:Unlimited employment agtatec ag / record Türautomation AG
Last monthEmployé(e) d'administration de montage 100% (m/f)Place of work:Romanel-sur-MorgesWorkload:100%Contract type:Unlimited employment agtatec ag / record Türautomation AG