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thyssenkrupp Presta AG

thyssenkrupp Presta AG

Die thyssenkrupp Presta AG als Teil der thyssenkrupp Steering ist eine Unternehmensgruppe innerhalb des thyssenkrupp Konzerns mit Hauptsitz in Eschen, Fürstentum Liechtenstein. Als grösster Arbeitgeber Liechtensteins und weiteren 24 Standorten weltweit ist die thyssenkrupp Steering ein Global Player in der internationalen Automobilindustrie. Die thyssenkrupp Steering Gruppe gehört zu den weltweit erfolgreichsten Herstellern von Lenksystemen und ist Technologieführer auf dem Gebiet der Massivumformung. Täglich bringen die Ingenieure der thyssenkrupp Presta die Zukunft auf die Strasse. Weltweit und immer ganz nah an den Kunden, den bekanntesten Automobilherstellern wie VW, Audi, Porsche, BMW, Mercedes, Ford, Ferrari oder Bugatti. In Zahlen gesagt: 11'000 Kollegen, 24 Standorte weltweit, Lenksysteme für jährlich mehr als 20 Millionen Fahrzeuge, Liechtensteins Arbeitgeber Nr. 1. Wir bieten Ihnen ein internationales Arbeitsumfeld das von Offenheit und gestalterischen Freiräumen geprägt ist. Unsere Mitarbeiter sehen wir als eine der wichtigsten Ressourcen unseres Unternehmens an. Deshalb ist uns der kontinuierliche Ausbau der Weiterbildungsangebote und die gezielte und individuelle Förderung unserer Mitarbeiter ein grosses Anliegen. Umfangreiche Leistungen auf dem Gebiet der betrieblichen Altersvorsorge und der Gesundheitsförderung (Kostenloses Obst, Gesundheitsvorträge, Yoga, GiGong, etc.) zählen ebenfalls zu unseren Stärken als Arbeitgeber. Auch der Team- und Sportgedanke wird bei uns grossgeschrieben. Der Presta-Skitag, Mountainbike Tour, Fussballturnier, Wandertag sind nur einige Events die wir gemeinsam für unsere Mitarbeiter organisieren.

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7 reviews

Flexible working hours


  • Salary and benefits
  • Management style
  • Working atmosphere
  • Career opportunities
Current employeePermanent

21 October 2020

This works well in the company

Culturally very down to earth and pleasant, nothing to complain about.

This could be improved

Better cooling in the offices, nothing else really essential.

Translated from German

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Modern company that offers good opportunities


  • Salary and benefits
  • Management style
  • Working atmosphere
  • Career opportunities
Current employeePermanent

15 February 2019

This works well in the company

I have been working for the company as a test engineer for two years and am very satisfied. From the recruiting process to everyday work and the challenges associated with it, I have not experienced anything serious so far. Depending on the job, you can/must take on responsibility very quickly, this was perceived positively by me personally, as it helps me to move forward in the long term. Both the team and the supervisor are thrilling and there is a healthy direct climate.

This could be improved

In the points which I have seen or see potential for improvement, we are actively working across teams to optimise and improve CIP. Accordingly, I do not really have to go into points, but would like to make it clear that this is a company that lives and constantly improves.

Translated from German

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  • React promptly and professionally, without anger
  • Thank all reviewers, even for negative feedback, and show empathy
  • Offer help and solutions, taking responsibility for any issues
  • Share your perspective if you disagree

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Miserable working climate

Former employee

05 November 2018

Once and never again. Poor wages, open-plan office like in a chicken coop, strong group formation, bullying, latent racism among a few employees (has to do with the rural region). Also gave good, helpful and nice staff.

Translated from German

Employer comment

15 February 2019

Dear ex-employee, We very much regret that your image of thyssenkrupp Presta AG as an employer has so many negative points. We take allegations of racism very seriously. Because: every employee - no matter where he or she comes from and what nationality he or she has - is equally supported by us. Even the racism you mentioned is not at all in line with our basic values of cooperation and will not be tolerated. Should you wish to provide more detailed information on this subject, I look forward to hearing from you and will be happy to talk to you in confidence. P. Malta de Jesus Veiga

Translated from German

Overall ratings

Based on 7 reviews
5 stars43%4 stars14%3 stars0%2 stars14%1 star29%
  • Management style
  • Salary and benefits
  • Career opportunities
  • Working atmosphere

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