40 – 80%
Unlimited employment, Supplementary income
ISS Schweiz AG
23 July 2024July 2024
July 1, 2023 25th anniversary of service. I passed on my dissatisfaction / asked for a serious discussion. After that I was made an offer (hourly wage or termination) and decided to resign. That means (you must not complain) otherwise I have to leave ...
More appreciation and keeping employees for a long time. Don't make an ultimate decision like I did. My supervisor quoted my complaints to me. The complaints were in the interest of the company! But we are there to say nothing. Otherwise you know where the doors are.
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18 June 2024June 2024
I was there for a month and the "boss" was sad because I didn't want to go on break with him. They can't constantly argue and nag their employees at home with their wives.
Regulars' table conversations like in a pub. I have a different idea of exemplary leadership.
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15 May 2024May 2024
The salary is probably paid on time. However, as I have never been employed, I am not in a position to judge.
After my application, I didn't hear anything for almost a month and inwardly wrote off the job. But then the call came as a surprise and we arranged an appointment for an interview. Two people were supposed to be present at the appointment, but only one came with the information that there would be a second interview if I made a good impression. No sooner said than done! I left the room with great feedback and was told to wait a maximum of one week for a call back. Another 2 weeks went by and I didn't hear anything, so I called them myself and they said that the second man had fallen ill and as soon as he was back, they would definitely call me back with the second appointment, they were still very interested! But I was, because we both agreed that I fit the profile perfectly. Now it got even more interesting because another 2 weeks passed and I experienced a dejavu. This time I was told that the second man was on vacation and would be back in a week. At this point I really felt like I was being taken for a ride, I know that the wheels turn more slowly in companies, but it was new to me that the statements were not kept. About a week later I received a call and was told the following; I still owe you an answer and that is that we have filled the position internally. However, you can apply for other vacancies.
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