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Tavolago AG

TAVOLAGO ist so vielseitig wie die Gastro-Branche: wir betreiben Hotels, verschiedene Restaurant und sind Eventcaterer. Zudem sind wir wohl die einzigen, dir dir eine Stelle auf dem Wasser anbieten können, dem wunderschönen Vierwaldstättersee! Komm an Bord und setzt mit uns die Segel für deine Karriere in der schönsten und genussvollsten Branche der Welt! Unser Teamgeist fühlt sich in jedem Betrieb anders an. Die Werte auf Gleichmacherei leben wir: Wertschätzung, Kollegialität und Spass sind überall im Spiel. Wir mögen es gerne unkompliziert - bei uns bist du mit allen per du, wie kennen uns persönlich und diskutieren auf Augenhöhe Und ja, nach einem erfolgreichen Geschäftsjahr bist auch du am Erfolg beteiligt. Und nicht zu vergessen - du erhältst kostenlos ein 2. Klass-GA. Du willst beruflich vom Schiff zu einem Betrieb an Land wechseln? Kein Problem, auch umgekehrt. Dank unserer Grösse ermöglichen wir dir für deine beruflichen Pläne vielfältige Horizonte und Entfaltungsmöglichkeiten. Unsere Mitarbeitende machen Tavolago zu dem, was es ist: ein innovatives und dynamisches Gastrounternehmen, dass kulinarisch verblüfft und gastronomisch überrascht. Werde Teil vom Tavolago-Team und begeistere zusammen uns unsere Gäste.

Key information


3 reviews

Great employer


  • Salary and benefits
  • Management style
  • Working atmosphere
  • Career opportunities
Current employeePermanent

10 February 2023

This works well in the company

I think the management style works well in the company. The employees are appreciated and it's fun to work here. I also like the team spirit and the great working atmosphere. The variety of the job is also fun!

This could be improved

At Tavolago, you are very much appreciated. Many great benefits are offered and the "Du" policy also creates a relaxed atmosphere.

Translated from German

Employer comment

14 February 2023

Dear Tavolago friend, we are glad about your positive feedback. We are glad you are a part of the Tavolago family. Tavolago will continue to step on the gas to grow together. We appreciate your cooperation very much. Continue to enjoy your challenge, good luck and see you soon. Delightful greetings Melanie

Translated from German

Good working atmosphere / Great team


  • Salary and benefits
  • Management style
  • Working atmosphere
  • Career opportunities
Current employeePermanent

10 February 2023

This works well in the company

You are noticed here and the appreciation by the whole company is strong. The team cohesion is great and the benefits round everything off :)

This could be improved

nothing comes to mind right now nothing comes to mind right now

Translated from German

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Good working atmosphere


  • Salary and benefits
  • Management style
  • Working atmosphere
  • Career opportunities
Current employeePermanent

16 July 2022

This works well in the company

Great products and restaurants with innovative ideas and always new.

This could be improved

Employees should be given more responsibility and trusted accordingly

Translated from German

Employer comment

14 February 2023

Hi, Tavolago friends, Thank you very much for your positive feedback. We are glad that you like it with us. We work every day to become even better. We appreciate your commitment to this very much. You are a part of the Tavolago family. We wish you a lot of fun with your challenge, a lot of success and see you soon - maybe at an aperitif together in our companies. Delightful greetings Melanie

Translated from German

Overall ratings

Based on 3 reviews
5 stars67%4 stars33%3 stars0%2 stars0%1 star0%
  • Management style
  • Salary and benefits
  • Career opportunities
  • Working atmosphere

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