XML Optimization - Client Supplier Success
23 Juni 2023Pensum:
Festanstellung- Arbeitsort:Genève
XML Op miza on -
Client/Supplier Success
AIC Travel Group is a full-service global wholesaler, based in Geneva, Switzerland, with almost twenty years of experience
in B2B online distribu on with a commitment to professionalism and quality travel service. The company offers a large
and diverse worldwide inventory of hotels (including direct contracts) as well as various ancillary services.
To learn more, visit www.aicgroup.bi z
As part of our con nuous development, we are looking for a skilled and mo vated person to work in the interna onal
travel industry.
- Full Time
- 100% Remote
- Working hours: Monday to Friday / 09:00h to 18:30h (with 1h break)
Support and contribute to the growth of AIC ’s clients using XML based services
Understanding the objec ves and scope of business and IT systems
Act as the technical point of contact for business
partners to help facilitate communica on to
clients -
Iden fy mul faceted organiza onal problems and devise data-driven solu ons
Conduct sta s cal analyses, reports, surveys and tests
Monitoring client ’s performance and results
Proac vely collaborate and communicate with
external and internal customers to analyze
informa on, business needs and func onal
requirements -
Invent new flows or contribu ng to improving the exis ng ones
Make speci fic IT recommenda ons, and support their implementa on
Serve as a liaison between the management and
technical developers
Fluent in verbal and wri en English
Must have an understanding of XML based connec vity
Carry out an in-depth evalua on and verifica on of the capabili es of systems
Have the ability to plan, organize, and structure work
Excellent knowledge in MS Office Suite
Showcase good wri en and oral communica on
skills and good analy cal and evalua ve skills in
tasks -
Ability to mul task
Experience of working in a customer-focused
role, managing delivery partner accounts or
implementa ons -
Can-do a tude , confident, proac ve and
process-driven, goal-oriented, able to work in a
team -
Ability to work under pressure, manage conflicts and nego ate mutually beneficial outcomes
Previous experience in tourism B2B distribu on
is considered a plus
- Nice and professional working team
- We will provide you with the possibility to grow in your career
- Compe ve salary, based on our interview, skills and previous experience
- Mo va onal growth, according to your personal capaci es and responsibili es
- The salary is paid in EU RO with no delays
If you are interested in and possess the above quali es, please send your CV and your mo va on le er in English
to E-Mail schreiben with a subject line: CV – XML OPTIMIZATION + your name and surname (in La n le ers).
Only the applications strictly corresponding to the above criteria will be considered.