29 Juni 2024Pensum:
Festanstellung- Arbeitsort:Basel
<div class="listed-role panel bg-white bg-shadow mr-md-4"><div class="type">Contract</div><p><strong>Digital Biomarker – Biomedical Engineer </strong><strong>(f/m/d) – pharma /</strong> <strong>PhD</strong><strong> /Band-Altmann / IMU Data / V3+</strong></p><hr/><p><strong>Project: <br/> </strong>For our customer a big pharmaceutical company in Basel we are looking for a highly qualified <strong>Digital Biomarker – Biomedical Engineer</strong></p><p><strong>Background:<br/></strong>We, the Digital Biomarker and Remote Patient Management (dBM & RPM) Chapter in Roche Information Solutions, are an integrated team of scientists, technologists, data analysts and operationalization experts, that leverages mobile technologies like smartphones and wearables to collect objective and continuous sensor data from patients in clinical trials and clinical care.<br/> We co-create innovative digital biomarker concepts for sensitive and meaningful drug development endpoints, implement them in technology solutions, develop health related outcome measures with the data, seek community- and regulatory acceptance of corresponding endpoints and offer them to Biopharma companies and research institutes for use in clinical trials. Moreover, we are establishing the scientific foundations for disease monitoring and screening solutions in clinical practice.<br/> In the data insight-subchapter, amongst other things, we support the evidence generation around the validity and reliability of our digital biomarker’s solutions. </p><p> The perfect candidate has a PhD or a Master’s degree in biomedical engineering and minimum 3-5 years‘ experience with time-series analysis techniques such as FFT, peak detection, filtering. Knowledge of applying statistical methods for e.g. ICC, Bland-Altmann plots, linear mixed models is required as well as proficiency with Python</p><p> <strong>Tasks & Responsibilities:<br/> </strong>* Support the digital biomarker evidence generation activities with data analysis and statistical expertise<br/> * Perform sensor time-series analysis to improve and validate digital biomarker algorithms<br/> * Support the organization and documentation of data coming from various sources and systems to facilitate the data analysis efforts <br/> * Be responsible for a work package: break down a business question into planned work, following up of work in progress, risk assessment, communicating on progress and results, reading literature, writing reports and publications<br/> * Contribute to development and maintenance of sensor data processing pipelines<br/> * Contribute to analytical validation analyses<strong></strong></p><strong></strong><p><strong> Must Haves:<br/> </strong>* Master’s degree in preferred: biomedical engineering (alternatively: statistics, computer science, engineering or related technical fields) <br/> * Minimum 3-5 years‘ experience with time-series analysis techniques such as FFT, peak detection, filtering, optimal: applied to IMU data from wearables or smartphones <br/> * Knowledge of applying statistical methods for e.g. ICC, Bland-Altmann plots, linear mixed models <br/> * Proficient with Python (e.g. Pandas, SciPy, matplotlib, seaborn) <br/> * Sound knowledge of best software development practices: unit testing, documentation, version control <br/> * Being able to discuss with and understand various stakeholders (data scientists, clinical managers, biostatisticians, business development managers, ...) <br/> * Excellent English communication skills, both written and spoken<br/> <strong><br/> Nice to Have:<br/> </strong>* Experience with time series data originating from digital sensors (e.g. inertial sensor data)<br/> * Experience with regulatory frameworks such as V3+<br/> * Disease and clinical trial knowledge, especially in movement disorders<br/> * Experience with working in a cloud environment</p><hr/><p><strong>Reference Nr.:</strong> 923782SGR<br/> <strong>Role: </strong> Digital Biomarker – Biomedical Engineer<br/> <strong>Industry: </strong> Pharma<strong><br/> Workplace: </strong>Basel<br/> <strong>Pensum: </strong>100%<br/> <strong>Start:</strong> 01.01.2025<br/> <strong>Duration: 24++</strong></p><p><strong>Deadline</strong>: 11.11.2024</p><hr/><p>If you are <strong>interested</strong> in this position, please send us your complete dossier via the link in this advertisement. If this position does not fit your profile and you wish to be considered for another position directly, you can also send us your dossier via this ad or to jobs[at]itcag[dot]com.</p><p><strong>Contact us</strong> for more information about our company, our positions or our attractive Payroll-Only programme: +41 41 760 77 01.</p><p></p><p><strong>About us</strong>:</p><p>ITech Consult is an ISO 9001:2015 certified Swiss company with offices in Germany and Ireland. ITech Consult specialises in the placement of highly qualified candidates for recruitment in the fields of IT, Life Science & Engineering.</p><p>We offer staff leasing & payroll services. For our candidates this is free of charge, also for Payroll we do not charge you any additional fees.</p><p><img class="lazyload" data-src="" src=""/><noscript><img src=""/></noscript></p><a class="wpbb-application-url" href="" target="_blank">Apply Now</a> </div>