PhD position in technology and innovation management 95-100%
23 Dezember 2024Pensum:
95 – 100%- Arbeitsort:Fribourg, CH
PhD position in technology and innovation management
Ort / Bezirk:
Fribourg, CH, Saane, CH
Datum des Stellenantritts:
01.08.2025 oder nach Vereinbarung
Befristeter Vertrag
Unifr-6681 Internationales Institut für Management
Anstellungsbehörde / Verwaltungseinheit / Anstalt
Die Universität Freiburg ist Bildungsstätte, Forschungsplatz, Arbeitgeberin und Event-Veranstalterin in einem. Ihre Innovationskraft macht sie zu einem wichtigen Motor für das wirtschaftliche und kulturelle Leben der Region. Als Anziehungspunkt für Studierende und Forschende aus der gesamten Schweiz und aus allen Teilen der Welt prägt die Hochschule seit ihrer Gründung 1889 das Leben der zweisprachigen Stadt Freiburg.
The international institute of management in technology (iimt) at the University of Fribourg is a premier Swiss centre of excellence for management in technology. Dedicated to delivering outstanding education and research, we equip future leaders and entrepreneurs with the skills to effectively lead organisations. Our executive business education programmes (EMBA, DAS, CAS) blend intellectual rigor with a curriculum rooted in real-world application.
international institute of management in technology (iimt), University of Fribourg, Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences, Bd de Pérolles 90, CH-1700 Fribourg, Switzerland
Werden Sie Teil unseres Teams!
Der Arbeitgeber Staat fördert die Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Privatleben und bietet seinen Mitarbeitenden ein modernes Arbeitsumfeld und attraktive Arbeitsbedingungen. Mehr darüber erfahren Sie auf folgender Seite .
Ihre Aufgaben
The initial contract is 1 year. The contract can be renewed for 2 x 2 years. The maximum funding period is 5 years
- As a PHD student, you are required to be accepted into and enrolled in the Doctoral Program at the Faculty of Management, Economics, and Social Sciences at the University of Fribourg. Accordingly, 50% of your time will be dedicated to completing your doctoral studies and thesis. In writing your thesis, you will be coached by your supervisor Prof. Dr. Stephan Nüesch.
- As a member of the iimt team, you will mentor both Master and executive education students. Your responsibilities will include (co-)teaching in lectures, guiding students through their Master's, EMBA, or CAS thesis, and contributing to an exceptional learning environment by assisting with administrative tasks.
Gewünschtes Profil
- A master’s degree in business administration (e.g., management, innovation management, HRM, technology management, finance, controlling). Candidates are welcome to apply early, which may even be several months prior to their graduation
- A passion for teaching and research
- Fluent in English and proficient in French and/or German, with good passive comprehension of the other language
- An interest in one of the following areas: Digital business models, open innovation and crowdsourcing, top management teams and digital innovation, technology management, strategic human resource management
- Expertise in empirical research methods is desirable
Please send your letter of motivation (cover letter), curriculum vitae, the (intermediate) grade report of your MA and BA degree and a copy of your MA thesis or other research-oriented output (e.g. BA thesis, seminar papers, etc.) We encourage applicants to submit their applications promptly, as the position will remain open until filled.
Prof. Dr. Stephan Nüesch, Director, E-Mail schreiben
Datum der Stellenausschreibung: