Professor of Pharmaceutical or Biopharmaceutical Process Engineering (80-100%)
17 Februar 2025Pensum:
80 – 100%- Arbeitsort:Olten
Die Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW sucht eine*n Professor*in für Pharma- oder Biopharma- Prozessengineering. Eine spannende Gelegenheit, um in einem dynamischen Umfeld zu arbeiten.
- Leitung einer Forschungsgruppe im Bereich Prozessengineering.
- Durchführung von Forschungsprojekten in Zusammenarbeit mit Partnern.
- Planung und Durchführung von Lehrveranstaltungen auf Bachelor- und Masterebene.
- Erforderlich sind ein ETH- oder Universitätsdoktorat in Ingenieurwesen.
- Erfahrung in Prozessmodellierung und -optimierung.
- Gute Kommunikationsfähigkeiten in Deutsch oder Bereitschaft, diese zu erwerben.
Zusammenfassung der Originalanzeige
Ist das hilfreich?
Professor of Pharmaceutical or Biopharmaceutical Process Engineering (80-100%)
Published 17 January 2025 Closing Date 28 February 2025 Workplace Olten, Riggenbachstrasse 16, Swiss Mittelland, Switzerland CategoryThe FHNW School of Life Sciences offers state-of-the-art technical, laboratory and office facilities. Contributing to the school’s highly motivating working environment - which is second to none - are its collaboration with a large number of companies and institutions in Switzerland and abroad, a widely varied programme of scientific events, and daily contact with young students in research and teaching. The FHNW is also committed to equal opportunities and the compatibility of private and professional life.
Your responsibilities will include:
- Recruiting and leading a research group involved in teaching and research in your field of expertise
- Running externally funded research projects, including in collaboration with industrial partners
- Planning and giving lectures, seminars, practicals and other courses at Bachelor’s and Master’s level, as well as in continuing education
- Supervision of student projects and theses
- Establishing and maintaining contacts with industry to ensure a constant exchange of knowledge and skills and up to date teaching syllabi.
You are an experienced, dynamic individual with several years’ management experience, are adept at dealing with complex research issues, and have an international network. You have a university teaching qualification or are willing to acquire one in the first years of employment in order to ensure a high standard of quality in teaching. You also fulfil the following criteria:
- ETH or university PhD in engineering
- Scientific qualification with an established publication record
- At least 5 years’ industrial experience
- Proven expertise in relevant fields, e.g. process modelling, process control and automation, online process monitoring, process optimization or sustainable process design
- Experience in running research projects, interdisciplinary collaboration, project management and funding acquisition
- Good communication skills in German or the willingness to acquire German language skills within one year
Contact and Address
Will you soon belong to our team? We look forward to your application.
Hochschule für Wirtschaft FHNW
Barbara Waser
Désirée Zoller
HR-Verantwortliche HLS, HABG und CMU
Désirée Zoller
HR-Verantwortliche HLS, HABG und CMU
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