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Graduate assistant in Evolutionary Conservation Biology

Université de Lausanne
  • Veröffentlicht:

    25 Januar 2025
  • Pensum:

  • Arbeitsort:Lausanne


UNIL is a leading international teaching and research institution, with over 5,000 employees and 17,000 students split between its Dorigny campus, CHUV and Epalinges. As an employer, UNIL encourages excellence, individual recognition and responsibility.


The Group of Prof. Claus Wedekind is proposing a Graduate assistant (assistant diplômé) position in Evolutionary Conservation Biology at the Department of Ecology and Evolution, University of Lausanne, Switzerland. The graduate assistant will join a dynamic team working mainly on the selective forces that act on freshwater fish, i.e. the effects of human activities in interaction with natural and sexual selection. For more information, see https:// www.unil.ch/dee/wedekind-group

Job information

Expected start date in position : 01.04.2025 / to be agreed

Contract length : contract is for 1 year, renewable twice for two years, up to a maximum of 5 years in total

Activity rate : 85%

Workplace : Lausanne-Dorigny

Your responsibilities

The position is in the context of a larger project that focuses on induced evolution in salmonid fish (whitefish, brown trout, grayling, and char) and combines fieldwork, experimental work in the laboratory, behavioural studies, molecular genetics, bioinformatics, and population modelling. We are collaborating with several cantons and with other research groups at UNIL and elsewhere.

Graduate assistants (assistants-diplômés) in our department assist in teaching and supervise master students (up to 25% of the activity) and in the organization of the equipment and labs or other institutional tasks (5% of the activity). At least 55% of the working time is devoted to personal thesis research.

Your qualifications

We are seeking candidates with a Master in Biology and with a strong interest in one or several of the following fields: behaviour, fish biology, population genetics, population management, life history, bioinformatics, evolutionary ecology. The working language in the group and in the department is English for all scientific matters but knowledge in French and/or German would be a plus. 

Your Interpersonal skills

  • Ability to plan research goals with other team members and work to strict deadlines

  • Good cooperative skills with other researchers and team members

  • Good communication skills, ability to keep an open mind, ability to communicate your ideas to others

  • Be motivated and be able to motivate others

What the position offers you

We offer a nice working place in a multicultural, diverse and dynamic academic environment. Opportunities for professional training, a lot of activities and other benefits to discover.

The Department of Ecology and Evolution in Lausanne University hosts research groups working on a broad range of topics, producing a rich intellectual and social life. The campus is located on the shore of the Geneva Lake, with a view on the Alps.

Contact for further information

For further information please contact Prof. Wedekind: E-Mail schreiben

Your application

Deadline : 07.02.2025
Formal applications should include:

  • A cover letter containing a short description of your research interests and research experience, explaining why you reply to this job offer

  • Your CV

  • A copy of your master certificate

  • The contact details of two or three referees

  • Master’s thesis summary (max. one page)

To receive full consideration, application documents should be uploaded online through the University of Lausanne recruitment platform. 

Review of applications will begin immediately.

Additional information

UNIL is committed to:
•    equality, diversity and inclusion within its community;
•    ensuring an open and respectful environment that is conducive to personal development;
•    offering working conditions that facilitate work-life balance;
•    supporting early career researchers.



  • Université de Lausanne