
Property One Partners AG

  • Veröffentlicht:

    18 Januar 2024
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Property One supported a private client through the pro- The development phase ject planning and construction of a semi-detached house
The specialists from Property One listen, take note of wish in a prime location close to the city on the left bank of es and ideas, sound out the schedule and financial frame- Lake Zurich. The two residential units offer a spacious work and clarify all building law parameters. With its expeatmosphere with plenty of privacy. The project, for which rience of a whole range of similar development projects,
Property One was able to demonstrate its comprehen - Property One submits the proposal for a new building. The sive service expertise, was called "Symphony". Property clients receive a spacious attic apartment in line with their
One assumed all of the project risks alone, as well as the wishes. Execution is guaranteed within a fixed budget. To costs incurred at the beginning. However, the project finance the project, another unit will be constructed in the proved to be a win-win situation for all involved. building, which Property One will build, co-finance and market. The cooperation formally begins with a develop- The background ment contract. From then on, the Property One team of
It began like many projects do: ideas are sought for a more experts in development, construction and sales works meaningful use of a piece of land or an old property. The closely with the clients. Property One's in-house specialists clients, a couple of empty nesters in the prime of life, own support and monitor the construction, which is carried out a detached house that is no longer in keeping with the by expert partner companies, as the clients' representative. times with regard to size and structure. The neighbour - The construction work itself only takes 18 months. hood has a comfortable atmosphere, and the couple can envision creating something new in the same space.
Mezzanine financing
Not all the prerequisites are always met for the fi- The plot, on which a lovely replacement building will nancing of complex construction projects. Reasons eventually be built, is ideally situated in a low-tax munici for this may include an upcoming estate distribupality close to the city on the left bank of Lake Zurich. tion, temporarily insufficient liquidity or the extensive hurdles involved in mortgage acquisition. In
The journey began with the first project outlines, for which such cases, Property One can step in and offer taithe clients commissioned several architects, as well as lored solutions. Interim financing by means of subdiscussions with neighbours about a possible joint larger ordinated loans, for example, can help to bridge the project and clarifications of possible uses for the land. construction phase. Other forms of mezzanine fi- Ultimately, a considerable amount of effort was exerted nancing or joint club deals, in which several inveswithout a concrete solution being found, and many ques tors come together, are available as a solution. Get in tions remained unanswered. This is where Property One touch with us - we will be happy to advise you on stepped in - the couple turned to them after a recommenreal estate financing solutions. dation from friends.
Very close to Lake Zurich - the large window fronts provide a breathtaking view.
An outdoor pool and terrace kitchen shift the living space to the outside in summer.
The blueprint also comes from the in-house network: cial framework while achieving the desired high quality
Arndt Geiger Herrmann AG, architects and interior de - and within a set budget. By assuming the entrepreneurial signers, work out all the details of the plans & prepare the risk and all work, the company offers private clients a planning application. The Zurich-based office is known comprehensive range of services from a single source. for stunning cubic villas that create a close connection to
The mutual trust involves the full support of clients and the environment via large, transparent glass surfaces and buyers as well as fair contractual agreements. Property sheltered terraces.
One's wealth of experience guarantees that your dream home can come true.
The marketing phase
Before the actual construction can begin, the Property
One sales team uses a specially created marketing con cept to search for a suitable co-owner. They must not only meet the (financial) requirements for the purchase of the second, significantly larger unit, but should also be a good fit for the future living arrangements with the clients.
The search finally led to success following a meeting. Two residential units were created with a total living space of over 800 square metres. These are spread over a total of four floors, three of which offer the coveted view of Lake
Zurich and a view of the mountains in the distance. Both apartments have their own lift and direct access from the shared basement garage.
The interior design, on which both parties work closely
Open, bright and spacious but with plenty of privacy. together with the construction management and with the involvement of the in-house interior designers, is de- Key data of the Symphony project veloped with consistently high-quality materials. Special
Building type: semi-detached house requests such as a subsequently designed outdoor pool
Client: private and a terrace kitchen can also be taken into account.
Location: residential area on the left bank of Lake Zurich
When designing the outdoor space, in addition to aes- Plot size: 1,395 m2 thetic criteria, maintaining privacy and blocking visibility
Gross living area: 870 m2 from the outside are top priorities.
Heating type: geothermal heat pump
With the "Symphony" project, the Property One team,
Construction time: 18 months made up of 16 professional fields, proves that it can im- Move-in date: end of 2020 plement projects with a challenging schedule and finan-
Property One provides services spanning the entire real estate value chain. With sustainable and innovative solutions, Property One creates more value for its clients and gets people excited about real estate.
At its three locations in Zurich, Zug and Ascona, the company combines expertise in the fields of investment, financing, development, execution and marketing as well as real estate family office under one roof.
This comprehensive value chain allows Property One to cover the entire property life cycle.
We assist you with your
Your Expert for real estate transactions
Private Real Estate Debt
The innovative way to participate in the solid Swiss real estate market
Planning & Building
Supplement conventional financing with subordinated loans
Real Estate
Family Office
& Rentals
The company consists of an interdisciplinary team keeps a constant eye on market developments and and serves all areas in-house, ensuring successful reaches out to the various service providers at the project completion that is both time- and cost-effiappropriate time. The real estate service provider cient. Property One gives interested investors and arranges financing, coordinates development and potential borrowers access to subordinated financplanning, supports the various construction phases, ing. The company acts as a central interface for all of ensures that quality standards are adhered to, takes the players involved in a project with regard to plancare of the marketing side of things and structures ning, coordination and organisation, both for private customised participation models. clients and for professional investors. Property One
Property One - your expert for private real estate debt.
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  • Property One Partners AG