Job Coach > Karriere-Boost im Januar: Top 5 Fähigkeiten, die du in diesem Jahr lernen solltest

Karriere-Boost im Januar: Top 5 Fähigkeiten, die du in diesem Jahr lernen solltest

„The most important investment you can make is in yourself“, the American businessman Warren Buffett is often quoted as saying. Loosely translated: On the road to success – whether professional or personal – continuous training and personal development are essential. This applies not only to investors, but also to employees and the self-employed in all professions, regardless of their career level.

Unfortunately, many people often lack the energy and motivation to learn and practise new skills in their gruelling everyday working lives. Do you feel the same way? Then it’s high time to develop one of the most important soft skills in your career: Determination, often referred to as goal-orientation in the working world. Being able to clearly set your sights on your destination and persistently pursue it is the most important prerequisite for consciously and self-determinedly shaping your career and life path.

You think it’s all great, but unfortunately you have so much else on your plate at the moment? What a coincidence! That’s what determination is all about: doing what’s important and putting all the other stuff to one side. And if you’re still not convinced to get started right away, here’s another argument: the turn of the year is particularly good for tackling difficult projects and practising new behaviours. A few days off and some time to reflect can help. So use the momentum of the new year to start learning the five top skills for a successful professional life.

1. goal orientation: find out where you want to go

The importance of a goal-orientated work attitude can hardly be overestimated, as it combines several subordinate skills. In order to be able to think in a goal-oriented way, you have to prioritise and constantly decide which step will take you further at any given time. You are forced to fight resistance and accept setbacks. Goal-orientated work also means making sacrifices from time to time by working overtime or dealing with a topic that is not part of your area of responsibility. Employers value goal-orientated employees because they are reliable and continuously move the company forward.

You may have assumed that determination is a character trait that some people possess and others do not. This may be true to a certain extent. However, you can learn techniques and ways of thinking that will help you become more goal-orientated. These include, for example:

  • Methods for selecting and formulating goals
  • Tools to increase motivation
  • Tools to increase motivation
  • Use of planning and time management tools
  • Use of communication and cooperation to achieve intermediate steps
  • Self-reflection when dealing with difficulties

A coaching or training course on the topic of goal-orientation will not only help you in the workplace. A focussed and clear mindset can also contribute to your personal satisfaction.

2. networking: build a sustainable network

Some people seem to be born with networking skills. Mrs Müller from Sales, for example. No matter what the topic is and what is needed: She always knows the right contact person.

„Shall we invite someone from the press to the company anniversary? I could ask my tennis partner, he works for the daily newspaper. – A virus has paralysed the company IT? Luckily, my third cousin works for an emergency computer service. – You want to spontaneously invite the whole staff to go heli-skiing? Why don’t you tell them right away, my hairdresser has a helicopter hire business on the side?“

Being well networked looks easier than it is. But you can learn how to do it. As part of a training course or an online course, you will find out who you need for a good network and where you can find these people. You will learn how to build authentic and sustainable relationships and what you need to do to maintain them in the long term. This can involve online platforms as well as face-to-face meetings, trade fairs or special networking events. With the appropriate knowledge and a little practice, you will be able to weave a reliable network of supporters, informants and other partners who will accompany you on your career path. A little tip: Don’t just cast your net within the company, even if you are currently employed by a large organisation. After all, you will also need good and reliable contacts if you change jobs.

3. self-marketing: make yourself a star

This skill is particularly important for employees who don’t like to praise themselves. Those who often hide their light under a bushel. Those who acknowledge praise from superiors with the phrase „it was nothing special“. For employees who keep the company running with their commitment and dedication, but are rarely recognised for it. Making yourself and your performance visible is becoming increasingly important in working life. This applies not only to managers, who have to impress with their confident demeanour, eloquence and charisma both inside and outside the company. Whether in marketing or sales, science or healthcare, IT or social work: anyone who regularly deals with people can improve their personal charisma and thus their professional success enormously through self-marketing. A corresponding demand is also reflected in the programmes of consulting institutes and further education academies. Their courses include strategies such as reflecting on your own potential and goals, practising body language and breathing techniques, the basics of rhetoric and communication, as well as the targeted use of social media. Those who practise putting themselves in the right light can benefit from this throughout their professional life: from the application process to the probationary period and the pay rise through to promotion.

4. adaptability: benefit from change

Hardly any job description is complete without the term „flexible“ or „adaptable“. Anyone who cannot quickly and easily adapt to changing areas of responsibility, modified work processes or newly developed technologies quickly becomes a liability for companies. This became very clear during the coronavirus pandemic, when employees and managers were suddenly given the opportunity to actually prove the flexibility they claimed in their application letter. The move to working from home and the use of digital conferencing tools was sometimes more, sometimes less bumpy.

Flexibility is not, as is often assumed, a character trait. Rather, it is a personal skill that can be learnt and improved throughout your life. Step by step, you develop techniques that help you to deal with change. This includes confronting inner beliefs and fears, focussing on improvements and specifically seeking out unfamiliar situations in everyday life. A process that pays off: If you train your adaptability, you will also be better prepared to deal with unexpected circumstances in other areas of life.

5. critical faculties: learn from your mistakes

No matter how well you do your job, you will not be able to avoid criticism – whether justified or unjustified – in the course of your career. Very few people like it when others find fault with their work. Many interpret negative feedback as an attack on their person and look for excuses or justifications. Yet objective criticism offers a wonderful opportunity to recognise mistakes and improve as a result. In a way, it is a gift that can help you advance in your career. The prerequisite, however, is that you can jump over your possibly offended shadow and listen to your counterpart with an open mind. Is he or she right? Then say so and take responsibility for things that have gone wrong. Or have you been the victim of a false accusation? Then say that too, but in a matter-of-fact way and without an insulting or opinionated undertone. Implement the advice you have received next time and make sure that things have gone better this time. Those who can deal with criticism appropriately are appreciated by colleagues and superiors alike.

Of course, different rules apply to unobjective or destructive accusations. But dealing with such criticism can also be learnt. The same applies to the second aspect of critical faculties: the ability to criticise others in an objective and appreciative manner so that they benefit from your feedback.

Many paths to success

To be guaranteed to climb the career ladder as quickly as possible, skills such as

  • Mind reading,
  • travelling through time and
  • the miraculous increase in the annual budget

is still one of the undisputed highlights. Unfortunately, there is a lack of competent teachers in these areas. However, you can learn the 5 top skills mentioned above from numerous providers. These include:

  • Schools and institutes for vocational education and training
  • Professional associations and organisations
  • Personal coaching provider or mentor
  • Online platforms, specialised books and journal articles

Where and how you learn most reliably depends on both your preferences and your financial means. When looking for a suitable method, it can be helpful to ask around among friends and/or colleagues. Some have certainly already undergone further professional or personal training. Sharing experiences with them can help, as can a recommendation for a business school or a specific coaching programme. And maybe you can even attend the next course together. You’ve already scored the first point in terms of networking.


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