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Nine United Brand & Design AG

Nine United Brand & Design AG

The Nine United Family Nine United is a privately held family of companies. The Nine United family covers a range of different areas; design, architecture, inventory, branding, garment accessories, window decoration, CSR and sustainable development projects. In our everyday work, we aim to dream big and act humble, which is reflected in our approach to every new project. History The story of Nine United began in 1975, in a small town called Ringkoebing on the western coast of Jutland when Troels Holch Povlsen founded the Danish clothing company BESTSELLER. As BESTSELLER grew, new areas were explored and new business opportunities started developing. The Nine United family began to take shape in the early 2000s and is still growing every day. The family blood and values still run through both BESTSELLER and Nine United, and this shared legacy is an important part of the Nine United history and spirit.


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