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MARKEN Switzerland

MARKEN Switzerland

Marken is a wholly owned subsidiary of the UPS Healthcare division. With Polar Speed and Marken included, the UPS Healthcare division staffs 128 locations with 5500 employees worldwide. Marken offers a state-of-the-art GMP-compliant depot network and logistic hubs for clinical drug product storage and distribution in 56 locations worldwide, while maintaining the leading position for Direct to Patient and Home Health care services, biological sample shipments and biological kit production. Marken’s dedicated 1300 staff members manage 85,000 drug product and biological sample shipments every month at all temperature ranges in more than 220 countries. Additional services such as ancillary material sourcing, storage and distribution, shipment lane verification and qualifications, as well as GDP, regulatory and compliance consultancy add to Marken’s unique position in the pharma and logistics industry.


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