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Johnson Controls

Johnson Controls

At Johnson Controls, we’re shaping the future to create a world that’s safe, comfortable and sustainable. Our global team creates innovative, integrated solutions to make cities more connected, buildings more intelligent and vehicles more efficient. We are passionate about improving the way the world lives, works and plays. Bring your passion for innovation and we’ll challenge you to help us create a better tomorrow. Our commitment to sustain and our legacy of innovation spans more than a century, dating back to our roots in 1885 and our invention of the first electric room thermostat. We’ll provide meaningful opportunities to learn from the best and brightest in the industry. As part of a global organization, the work you’ll do can impact lives around the world and create real potential to steer your own career path. We are committed to helping our customer win and creating greater value for our stakeholders through strategic focus on our buildings and energy growth platforms. The future requires bold ideas, an entrepreneurial mind-set and collaboration across boundaries. You need a career focused on tomorrow. Tomorrow needs you. Headquarter Switzerland: Tyco Integrated Fire & Security (Schweiz) AG Bahnweg 11, 8808 Pfäffikon Tel. +41 (0)58 445 40 00 tyco.ch@jci.com Neuhausen: Tyco Fire & Security GmbH Victor von Bruns Strasse 21 8212 Neuhausen am Rheinfall Bassersdorf: Johnson Controls Grindelstrasse 19 8303 Bassersdorf


1 Bewertungen

Gute Firma aber...

Ehemaliger Mitarbeiter

18 November 2018

Internationales umfeld mit schwacher führungsriege und starken veränderungen. Lange entscheidungswege. Wenig kompetenzen (Managerin) Gute verdienstmöglichkeiten

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