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European Alliance Partners Company AG

European Alliance Partners Company AG

Eurapco is a unique alliance of 8 leading European insurance companies with a mutual or cooperative background. Together, with more than 62,000 employees, the Eurapco partners are a leading force in insurance in Europe insuring 48 million customers with revenues totaling € 48.5 billion. The Eurapco alliance consists of the following partners: Achmea in the Netherlands, Caser in Spain, Gothaer in Germany, La Mobilière in Switzerland, Länsförsäkringar in Sweden, LocalTapiola in Finland, Reale Group in Italy and UNIQA in Austria. Eurapco’s servicing company, European Alliance Partners Company AG, is based in Zurich and currently has 18 employees. In addition to the permanent Core Team, the team consists of 8 Project Managers assigned by each of the respective Eurapco Partners enabling them to fully activate their membership of the Eurapco Alliance.


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