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Fertility Health AG

Fertility Health AG

Cada Fertility is a medical service provider in the fertility space. We are going to offer various fertility treatments and services within our specialized clinics and laboratories enabled by the provision of digital services. Cada is more than a place to work, it‘s a place to impact lives. We strive to help couples and individuals navigate fertility and realize their dreams of parenthood. Innovation, team spirit, and the willingness to take on ownership are just a few synonyms the Cada team stands for. At Cada, we strive for excellence and empowerment. We appreciate that everyone is different and has their own preferences of where and how to work. Compatibility of family and a career is not just a buzzword. We know that high flexibility leads to high performance. We have a non-hierarchical culture focused on open feedback to constantly learn from and support one another to make an impact together. At Cada, we make conscious data-driven decisions, set ambitious goals and hire people who boldly set out to take on the challenge of breaking the stigma around infertility. Mission: Cada's mission is to make fertility care more comprehensible and more accessible to everyone. It is our goal to educate transparently and provide state-of-the-art services while guiding our patients on their fertility journey.


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