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Espros Photonics AG

Espros Photonics AG

ESPROS Photonics is a photonics technology company located in Switzerland, with subsidiaries in China and the USA. The company is built around a unique CMOS/CCD process developed and owned by ESPROS. Products are TOF and LiDAR imagers as well as custom ASICS. We also develop and produce 3D camera modules, all based on our own 3D imagers. Our highly skilled international workforce consists of a broad range of experts in semiconductor physics, semiconductor processing, TCAD, mixed signal IC design, electronics hardware, microcontroller firmware, image processing software, application software, mechanics, optics, camera module assembly, reliability, etc. We serve our customers with the only non-captive high performance CMOS process with optical frontend worldwide. Swiss quality and trust combined with outstanding people and private investors.


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